Adult Activities

Adult Activities

Current Information

Chair Yoga
A gentle form of yoga modified for people of all ages with varying mobility. Poses are done sitting on a chair, standing and/or using the chair for support. Benefits may include reduced joint strain, improved flexibility, increased strength, reduced stress, improved mood, and increased concentration. 
When: Thursdays Noon-1PM
Fee: $10 class or $80 for 10 visit punch card
Ages:  All ages welcome
Where: TRC Activity Room
Instructor: Sacha Dick
No pre-registration is required. Pay the instructor as you go.  

Currently Registering
Adult Crochet-Level I-Beginner REGISTER

Students will learn how to get started, chain stitch, single crochet, double crochet and how to end a project. Students will also learn about different types of yarns and hooks.
Choose your Date:

March 6th | 5:30 - 7:30 PM

April 3 | 9 - 11 AM

May 4 | 9 - 11 AM

June 5 | 5:30 - 7:30 PM

Register at least 1 week prior to class date.
Fee: $25/$30 (district/non)

All materials are provided for the beginners class.

Date Information:
Cost Information: $25/$30 (district/non-district)
Age Rqmt: 16+
Contact: Tongie Rec Commission - 913-845-3502 -

Pepper Spray 101 - 2024 Summer REGISTER

Tonganoxie Recreation and Tammy Bartels are bringing self-defense to the Recreation Center. Pepper Spray 101 is a course in how to respond to uncomfortable approaches, the safety and use of pepper spray, and the legalities of pepper spray if used. Tammy Bartels has been teaching self-defense and pepper spray for 4 years and has a passion for bringing safety techniques to the community. Join us in learning how to protect ourselves and stay safe.

$25 Fee: Attend the class only.

$40 Fee: Attend the class and take home your own pepper spray.

Date Information: Thursday June 6 @ 5 - 7 PM
Cost Information: $25/$40
Age Rqmt: 11+
Location: Tonganoxie Recreation Activity Center
Contact: Jennifer Feeney - 913-845-3502 -

Adult Crochet - Level IV - Advanced REGISTER

Students will learn how to construct a lightweight shawl using basic crochet stitches. (Ages 16+)

Upcoming dates:

April 27 | 9 AM - 12 PM

May 22 | 5 - 8 PM

June 27 | 5 - 8 PM

Materials you need to bring to class with you: "H" crochet hook, Cake yarn (variegated yarn with larger color changes) around 500 yards, size 2-3 weight.

Date Information:
Cost Information: $15 district/$18 non district
Age Rqmt: 16+
Contact: Jennifer Feeney - 913-845-3502 -

Adult Crochet - Level III - Intermediate REGISTER

Students will learn how to read a pattern working in the round to create a coaster.

Upcoming dates:

April 24 | 5:30 - 7:30 PM

May 25 | 9 - 11 AM

June 19 | 5:30 - 7:30 PM

Materials needed (not provided): "H" Crochet hook, 1 skein of 100% cotton yarn

Date Information: Multiple to choose from
Cost Information: $20/$25
Age Rqmt: 18+
Location: TRC Activity Center
Contact: Jennifer Feeney - 913-845-3502 -

Adult Crochet - Level II - Beginner + REGISTER

Students will review basic crochet stitches, learn half double crochet and treble crochet stitches. Students will also learn to change colors and read a pattern. 

Choose your date: 

March 23rd | 9 - 11 AM

April 13 | 9 - 11 AM

May 15 | 5:30 - 7:30 PM

June 22 | 9 - 11 AM

Participants must provide their own K hook and 2 colors of worsted weight yarn (size 4). 

Date Information: Multiple to choose from
Cost Information: $20/$25
Age Rqmt: 18+
Location: TRC Activity Center
Contact: Jennifer Feeney - 913-845-3502 -

Fitness 4 Fun...4 Life (50+) '23 REGISTER

Balance, strength and flexibility are important, especially as we age. In this class, designed for 55+, we will use a combination of movement, exercises, hand weights and resistance bands to help strengthen and tone all areas of the body and work to increase balance. The instructor is a certified ISSA trainer and will add music to make the class motivating. 

[Bring 3# hand weights and an exercise mat if you have them. A limited number of extra weights and mats will be available.]

Cost: Register per month or per day. Punch cards available for purchase at the front desk of the Rec Activity Center.

Per month: $5 per class (residents)/ $7 per class (non-residents)

Per day: $6 per class (residents)/ $8 per class (non-residents)

Punch cards: 5 classes for $30 (residents)/ $40 (non-residents)

Date Information: Mondays at 10:30AM
Cost Information: See description
Age Rqmt: 50+
Location: TRC Activity Center
Contact: Jennifer Feeney - 913-845-3502 -


Come to the Recreation Activity center for All Ages Bingo! 10 rounds of bingo, prizes for each round, and snacks & drinks provided.

Friday July 19 | 4:30 - 7 PM | $3 per player

Children 14 years or younger must be accompanied by an adult.

Date Information: July 19 | 4:30 - 7 PM
Cost Information: $3 per player
Age Rqmt: All ages, 14 or younger accompanied by an adult.
Location: TRC Board Room
Contact: Jennifer Feeney - 913-845-3502 -

Adult Mental Health First Aid - 2024 Summer REGISTER

Who this class is for:

Any adult 18+  | Employers | Police Officers

Hospital Staff | First Responders | Educators

Anyone who works with the public

Course description:

Mental Health First Aid teaches the skills needed to recognize and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges, as well as how to provide someone with initial support until they are connected with appropriate professional help. In the course, you learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies to help someone in both crisis and noncrisis situations, and where to turn for help.

When you take a course, you learn how to apply the Mental Health First Aid action plan in a variety of situations, including when someone is experiencing:

Panic attacks

Suicidal thoughts or behaviors

Non-suicidal self-injury

Acute psychosis (e.g., hallucinations or delusions)

Overdose or withdrawal from alcohol or drug use

Reaction to a traumatic event

The opportunity to practice — through role plays, scenarios, and activities — makes it easier to apply these skills in a real-life situation.

Time: 9 AM - 5 PM

Upon completion of the course, students will be certified as a Mental Health First Aider.


Date Information: Saturday Aug. 10
Cost Information: $65 resident/$75 non-resident
Age Rqmt: 18+
Location: TRC Rec Center
Contact: Jennifer Feeney - 913-845-3502 -

Hunter Education '24 REGISTER

This is a internet-assisted course. Participants must have access to a computer and be able to finish an online course prior to the field day.

Participants must be at least 11 years of age or older to participate.     

Date Information: Saturday, March 2nd @ 7:30AM
Cost Information: $5/$6
Age Rqmt: 11 and up
Location: City Maintenance Shop (1536 E. 4th)
Contact: Tongie Rec Commission - 913-845-3502 -